Larry Coleman at TRO/Dartmouth who handled my work for a while produced several demo recordings on 10” 33 1/3 rpm discs and 45’s so he could shop my songs around to artists that might be interested. This could have been around 1965.
Ring In The New Year was written for a wonderful show David and I wrote called First You Take An Oatmeal Box {1967}.
Blue Notes was written as a stand-alone song while I was under contract to Frank Loesser.
This song is one of my favorites. It was also one of Frank Loesser’s favorites- when I finished the song I was still under contract to Frank Music and I made an appointment and played it for him. He had me play it a couple of times, and then he told me that he’d been thinking of teaming me as a lyricist with another composer, but after hearing Blue Notes he’d changed his mind. I should keep on writing both music and lyrics. I did. I would have anyway. Frank music also produced a demo of this song.
I’d written male and female variations (just a couple of words needed to be changed) and Larry had both recorded. He either used different pianists or the pianist was inspired to do a little something different in each case. Sadly I have no idea who the singers or pianist are, but they were terrific, and I’m so glad to have these recordings..
TRO Dartmouth Demos
Unknown Artist
Unknown Female Vocalist
Unknown Male Vocalist