A Wonderful Birthday Celebration!
The two performances of Livin’ It, the collection of 26 of my songs which were performed at Theater555 on W42nd Street on September 11th and 12th were wonderful, and the second was timed to land on my 100th Birthday. It was a terrific way to celebrate. I am very grateful to Denise Puriceli, who’s been such a staunch advocate of my work the past few years, to Mary Kunicki who introduced us, to Eric Krebs the warm generous producer (how often do you hear those words together?) who made this all happen, to Hannah Ryan who worked with Denise to whittle down from a very long list of hundreds of songs to a manageable number and weave them together into a compelling 80 minutes, and to the amazing cast - Erica Spyres, Cassondra James, Sydney Borchers, and Nikita Burshteyn - who did such an amazing job with these songs on just 20 hours of rehearsal! Thank You!
Chatting with the cast after the show.